Views on pop culture through my eyes

KiltMan Turns 60

The following was written on the occasion of my 60th birthday:

Thank you all for coming today and celebrating my sexy sixtieth with me! Am I officially old now or what? When I was young, 60 seemed really old — that was my grandparents or the old lady down the block! Now here I am — feeling grateful and thankful to be here! I remember when I turned 30, my husband gave me a birthday gift in a coffin shaped box. I can’t even remember what the gift was, just the box!

I am a Los Angeles native — and I love the fact that I am close to Hollywood and the movie studios. When I was growing up, I used to memorize the TV schedule. I would plan my week that way. And the weekends, always brought new movies. Then, when I was older I got into reading entertainment magazines like Us and Entertainment Weekly. So, yes, I love all things entertainment! People know to turn to me for recommendations on what to watch or listen to. I have never been to a swanky party or gone to a big award show — but who knows maybe one day! I am sure I would rock the red carpet!

I am glad that there is a place in this world for a crazy gay guy who loves Madonna, boy bands, stuffed animals and his husband! I have learned that I am a lot tougher than I thought I was over the past 60 years.

I am glad I was able to hold on during those trying times in my life. And the past few have been challenging to say the least, from the death of my mother— to political and racial unrest — to the COVID pandemic — and my own personal health struggles too. Oh, the joy of aging!

Thanks to my parents for having me! Mom has gone on, but my Dad is still kicking it at 97! I hope I have his health and independence when I am his age. Thanks to my siblings for all their love and support. Thanks to my friends who have been there with me — and us — through the ups and downs of this world.

Thanks to my best friend and husband, Rasheed, for being my rock for so many years.

I am not ready for AARP yet, or the old folks home! I still want to laugh, dance and have new adventures. I hope that I always remember the child inside me, even when my body starts to fail me. Here’s to my sexy sixties!

Please take and share pictures with me and our celebrity guests using the #SexySixtyDL. Now let’s enjoy dinner and cake!

Thanks for reading! Please sound off in the comments on how you are celebrating your birthday this year.

Comments on: "KiltMan Turns 60" (1)

  1. Paul Cloutier said:

    Wow Dan, you mega man! You’re a good looking 60 – and you’re the best

    ❤️ Paul

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